The nations of Golarion clash over border disputes, natural resources, and ideological differences. For such grand conflicts (as well as your typical dungeon encounters), we introduce two new classes who can help turn the tide of any battle.
The Commander
The commander is an Intelligence-based tactician with unparalleled authority over the battlefield! But they’re no slouch in the fight themself, being trained in martial weapons and all armors, so if you want to lead your fellow adventurers to victory, be sure to playtest the commander!
The Guardian
The guardian is a Strength-based protector who excels in the use of armor, both for their own benefit and the aid of others. If you are the type of player who enjoys keeping others safe from harm, be sure to playtest the guardian!
This playtest will run from April 29th through June 21, 2024. In addition to playtesting these classes in your home games, you’ll be able to try them out in our organized play program by making your own Pathfinder Society characters using the rules located in the Guide to Organized Play. The commander and guardian classes and all related options are available to all players during this playtest
Digital Character Building and Playtesting
Our friends at Demiplane are also hosting a free character builder for the commander and guardian classes. Our friends at Foundry are also supporting the playtest module for players who want to use their digital toolset to generate characters and try out the playtest!

Playtest Survey
Once you’ve had a chance to get a feel for the new classes, please be sure to leave your feedback at surveys linked below to let us know what you think of them and where you think they could be improved!

Organized Play
Learn to use the playtest material at your Pathfinder Society tables under the rules in the Guide to Organized Play!

Paizo Forum
You can engage with other players and designers on the Playtest forums, discussing the new material and possibilities for the future. While we want to focus on actual play feedback, we’re interested in hearing all of your ideas about these exciting new additions to Pathfinder.