The Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild assumes that every player has access to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and that every Game Master has access to the Core Rulebook as well as any books from the Pathfinder RPG product line that are listed in the "GM Resources" section at the beginning of the scenario she is running. When designing and developing scenarios, we assume that references to rules or flavor in these books needn't be explained. The sources for all material that is not from the Core Rulebook are cited in the adventure.
Lack of access to necessary materials may prevent players or GMs from being able to participate in the campaign. All relevant content from both the Core Rulebook and every source a GM may be expected to have may be found for free on the Pathfinder Reference Document.
In order to use material that does not appear in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook for your character, you must bring one of the following: A physical copy of the book, a name-watermarked PDF copy of the book, name-watermarked printouts of all relevant pages of the PDF, or access to the rules in the form of either electronic access to the Pathfinder Reference Document or a photocopy of the relevant pages, along with proof of purchase, such as a receipt from a game store or a screenshot of your My Downloads page.
A photocopy of a physical book does not satisfy this requirement, nor does Hero Lab or any other form of electronic character builder. Content reproduced in other sources under the Open Gaming License (such as an online reference document or a homemade omnibus) also do not qualify.
In addition to a copy of the rules themselves, you must provide an electronic or physical copy of the relevant sections of the Additional Resources page that indicate that the options you have selected for your character are legal for play.
If family members, significant others, or other members of the same household living together (such as roommates) are playing at the same table, they may share the same resources instead of having duplicates of the same resource at the same table. A group of friends that always plays together at the same table fulfills the requirement, as long as there is at least one sourcebook that covers each rule for every character at the table. However, if they are playing at different tables, each of them must each supply the necessary materials to their table.
No. Run the scenario as written.
No. While we recognize that creative players can find loopholes in the rules, any combination that would grant your character unlimited resources is not legal for use in Organized Play.
Yes. You can apply any number of boons that say they must be your first Chronicle sheet to a character, as long as they all go before the first Chronicle sheet that represents an adventure that you have played or ran.
A player who possesses more than one copy of the same boon or other special Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Chronicle sheet may not assign multiple copies to the same character. Also, if the only difference between the Chronicle sheets is the title of the convention or event listed at the top, they count as the same boon. For instance, if a player received a copy of the Tian Weapon Training boon at PaizoCon and another copy at Gen Con, the boon's titles would each include the name of their respective conventions. However, the text of the two boons would be identical, so they would count as the same boon.
For holiday boons, a player may only receive one copy of the boon, but he may assign it to any one of his characters during the dates specified on the boon.
For Pathfinder Tales boons that reference only one novel, a player can assign the a Chronicle sheet from each novel to each of his characters. More recent Pathfinder Tales boons are combined into groups of four books such as "Pathfinder Tales, Volume 5", and a player can only benefit from one of each of these combined Chronicle sheets.
The pregenerated characters linked from the Roleplaying Guild Resources page are legal for play in all level-appropriate adventures (these characters are provided at levels 1, 4, and 7). If you own the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex, you may also use the 1st- and 7th-level iconic characters from that book as per the Additional Resources page in all level-appropriate adventures.
Some Roleplaying Guild Scenarios and Pathfinder Modules, such as We Be Goblins, come with pregenerated characters that all players use in lieu of their own characters. These characters are only legal for play in the adventures in which they appear.
Yes. A pregenerated character belongs to the same faction as the character who is receiving credit for the scenario, and can earn boons on the Chronicle sheet as a member of that faction. You may also make progress toward completing your Faction Journal Card with a pregenerated character. If you do, ask the GM to note the Faction Journal Card success on your Chronicle sheet. When your character reaches the level of the pregenerated character and you apply the credit for the scenario, you may also apply this success to your Faction Journal Card.
If you have not yet determined the faction of the character who is receiving credit, the pregenerated character does not belong to any faction and cannot earn faction-related rewards.
No. None of the listed accessories are legal for play.
You must convert your PC before playing any further scenarios. 3.5 characters are no longer legal for play.
To convert your PC, refer to the following:
- Your character's name and XP remain the same, but you need to select a new faction.
- Build a legal character with that amount of XP using the rules found in the Roleplaying Guild Guide. This character may be as similar to or different from from your original version as you'd like.
- You must repurchase gear, weapons, armor, magic items, and so on to convert your character, and may not keep any of your old items. Refer to the table below to determine your new character's wealth and max value. Do not use your 3.5 Chronicle-sheet based wealth when converting your character, as the assumptions for wealth are different in the Pathfinder RPG. The "Max Value" column in the table refers to the maximum amount of gold that can be spent on an item for your character. You may not purchase any single item that exceeds this value when converting your character. Note: "Max Value" applies to additional magic items and equipments, and does not apply to items that are considered always available for purchase (refer to the Roleplaying Guild Guide for more information).
Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Wealth Conversion Table
Level Wealth (GP) Max Value (GP) [1-2 total XP] 1 scenario 500 250 2 scenarios 750 375 [Level 2+] 2 1,000 500 3 3,000 1,500 4 6,000 3,000 5 10,500 5,250 6 16,000 8,000 7 23,500 11,750 8 33,000 16,500 9 46,000 23,000 10 62,000 31,000 11 82,000 41,000 12 108,000 54,000 - You need to convert your Prestige. Total Prestige Award (TPA) is now called Fame, and Prestige Award (PA) is now called Prestige Points. To represent increased opportunities to earn prestige in later adventures, make the following adjustments to your character's Fame and Prestige.
Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Prestige Award Conversion Table
Level Range Prestige Adjustment 1-4 Add +1 to your Fame and Prestige 5-6 Add +2 to your Fame and Prestige 7-8 Add +4 to your Fame and Prestige 9-10 Add +6 to your Fame and Prestige
This is not a cumulative reward. You earn the rewards that are listed in the same line as the number of quests you have played. For example, if you have played all of the parts of a quest pack, you earn 1 XP, 2 PP, and the listed amount of gold (approximately 500 gp for most quests).
No. PCs may not select NPC classes.
Yes. For example, a character who does not have a tail does not qualify for abilities that are dependent upon having a tail. A gnome who trades out gnome magic for an alternate racial trait does not qualify for abilities that augment or modify gnome magic.
Typically, you may only use these options to count as a member of a race in the "always available" list. However, if you have a boon that allows you to play as a member of another race, you may apply that boon to a character to unlock the ability to take that race's features with options like the Racial Heritage feat. For example, you could apply a ratfolk boon to a human character to allow that character to select ratfolk-restricted racial options with the Racial Heritage feat, as long as they do not depend up ratfolk-specific physical features. Refer to this FAQ regarding Additional Resources for more information.
You may choose a specific type of animal companion from any of the base forms listed on pages 53-54 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook or a legal Additional Resource but may not use stats for one base form with the flavor of another type of animal. Thus, a small cat could be a cheetah or leopard, as suggested, as well as a lynx, bobcat, puma, or other similar animal; it could not, however, be "re-skinned" to be a giant hairless swamp rat or a differently-statted wolf. If a GM feels that a re-skinning is inappropriate or could have mechanical implications in the specific adventure being played, she may require that the creature simply be considered its generic base form for the duration of the adventure. A player may not re-skin items to be something for which there are no specific rules, and any item a character uses for which there are no stats is considered an improvised weapon (see page 144 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook).
If the non-legal options are an automatic part of the archetype, such as a feat that all characters with that archetype gain, the Additional Resources page often provides a substitution. If it does not, that option is legal for your character. However, if the non-legal options are part of a menu of choices, such as a list of feats that includes one feat that is not legal, the option does not become legal for your character.
Casting an evil spell is not an alignment infraction in and of itself, though it may violate a character's code or tenets of faith. Commiting an evil act outside of casting a spell, such as using an evil spell to torment an innocent NPC, is an alignment infraction.
Levels in classes from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide count as levels in their parent classes for the purposes of qualifying for variant spellcasting.
Players are welcome to exchange spells with each other during an adventure. They must still follow all the normal rules as put forth in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and their class descriptions (for instance, an alchemist can scribe from a wizard, but not vice-versa) and they must not bog the session down.
Similarly, scrolls found during an adventure can be used to add spells to spellbooks and similar class features (such as a witch's familiar), using the normal rules for doing so. Scrolls used in this way during an adventure do not need to be purchased, but are still consumed as normal.
With either method, the GM should sign off on the spells gained (after witnessing successful skill checks) on affected players' Chronicle sheets. All other methods of gaining new spells (such as by gaining a level or purchasing access to an NPC's spellbook) function as described in the Core Rulebook and relevant class descriptions. Between adventures, PCs can always find an NPC to teach them any spells that are legal for their character to learn.
NPCs charge a fee for learning spells from them. This fee is always equal to half the cost to write the spell into a spellbook (see Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook on page 219 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook).
You may purchase spellcasting services at higher than minimum caster level if the spell appears on the prestige award list in the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. Spellcasting services for all other spells can only be purchased at minimum caster level. Spells purchased with Prestige Points are always at minimum caster level.
The wording of the vanity indicates that the discount only applies towards purchases, which would not include upgrading items. As an example, if you buy a +2 mithral breastplate in a single purchase you get the disount on the full cost of the item. If you buy a non-magical mithral breastplate with the discount, you must pay the full 1000 gp difference to upgrade it to a +1 mithral breastplate.
Alchemists and investigators can use the Craft (alchemy) skill to produce items with their Alchemy ability. Follow the Craft rules on pages 91-93 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook as well as in the alchemist's Alchemy ability description. Any item created must be properly noted on that scenario's Chronicle sheet. Alchemists and investigators are assumed to carry the necessary items and tools with them to use available resources to create alchemical items. If they have a base of operations from which to do so, they may use an alchemy lab to gain the +2 bonus on their Craft (alchemy) check. Alchemists and investigators may never sell any of their created items nor may they trade them to another PC. However, they may allow other PCs to borrow or use items they've created (so long as the class ability being used allows them to do so). Alchemists and investigators may use Craft (alchemy) to craft items that they gain access to on Chronicle sheets as long as the Chronicle sheet does not limit to the number of times they may purchase those items.
Yes, as long as one of the bloodlines she selects is the draconic bloodline. Similiarly, a dragon disciple can later take levels in crossblooded sorcerer, so long as she selects draconic as one of her bloodlines.
No. For more information on stacking archetypes, refer to this Advanced Player's Guide FAQ entry.
Yes. If any of your character's abilities reference using a spellbook, you may purchase a spellbook and scribe spells in to it as per the standard rules in the Magic chapter of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook for adding new spells to a spellbook. For example, an oracle with the Lore mystery and the arcane archivist revelation could purchase and fill her own spellbooks (Advanced Player's Guide 49).
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